Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And the t-shirt winner is (was) Lindsey!

Sorry everyone, I meant to post this yesterday but Cadie had an allergic reaction to her amoxicillin and I spent the day worrying and trying to get her seen by the doctor. She's a little bit better today. The hives on her face are as bad as ever, but the rest of her body is almost normal.

So Lindsey, I'll be emailing you for your address in just a minute. Can't wait to ship you your t-shirt!


  1. Glad to hear Cadie is bettter. My oldest had a reaction to amoxicillin as well, pretty scary.

  2. Thanks Caroline! I can't wait to try one of those cute projects! And more importantly, I'm so so happy that Cadie is doing better!

  3. Thanks guys. Cadie is her little playful self. It's just hard to see the splotches all over her. Wish childhood could happen without so many mishaps!
