Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just like me?

Today I made a quick trip to JoAnn's while Carl was at school and Chloe was at preschool. That meant I only had 2 children with me - the two that are too young for even preschool. I had to quickly maneuver my baby-seat laden cart through each section of the store to keep 2-year-old Connor busy walking, not stopping to play with stuff. Although I must admit that he played bowling with some paint bottles while I picked out fleece...

The part that I am writing about however, is this fellow mom that I saw walking out to her car as I was driving away. She also had two children, a baby and a toddler both buckled into a double stroller. And she pushed it while balancing four bags of polyester fiber-fill in her arms. She smiled at me as I waited for her to pass in front of me, and I remembered how I bought that much fiberfill right before Christmas. I wondered what she was making. She looked so cute in a sweater-coat and fabric headband (that she probably made!). Then I thought that she probably had a blog too, all about her sewing and craftiness, and I wanted so badly to jump out of the car and go meet her!

Alas, I didn't. I hesitated and then it was too late. So whoever you are, crafty mom: good luck on your project. I promise that if I run into you again, I am going to meet you!

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