Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My website is up!

I can't believe it. I actually have a website. Of course, I'm sure my husband thinks it's about time. He's been staring at my back every night for the past week as I have been glued to the computer. I pretend to watch TV with him at the same time, but he knows I really have no idea what is going on.

So my website has a photo gallery, a place where you can email me, and a link to this blog :). But the best part is that now my patterns are now available for purchase and instant download, instead of just purchase and wait for the emailed file.

I really want to hear what everyone thinks of it. Don't be shy!


  1. Very nice. Simple, which I like. Your mouseovers for the menubar are not working, you can't read th text on 'home', 'photo album', 'blog', 'helpful links' or the submenus of 'shop pdf patterns' & 'contact' without mousing over!

    Your patters are nice & look like they are easy to follow, good job!


  2. Thanks Amanda! I really appreciate the feedback. Hope to keep hearing from you!
