Monday, May 31, 2010

Granny's Clothespin Apron from "One Yard Wonders"

Saturday I finally made something from One Yard Wonders. I reserved a copy of this book from the library months ago and waited and waited for my turn to come. Once I saw inside I was quickly convinced that I have to get my own copy.  There are soooo many cute projects here! And I like the fact that each one only takes a yard or less.

So my need for this clothespin apron has stemmed from our cloth diapering experiment which overtook much of my sewing time and has changed our little day to day lives. Thank goodness I think I have almost enough diapers sewn. Now I'm just getting the laundering routine down and I finally put up a clothes line in my backyard. This is something that I asked my husband to do weeks ago but he really resisted. He called it redneck. He got cranky. He fixed everything else on his to-do list (admirable, huh?). But he would not put up a clothes line. So I went out there and did it myself. One end is tied to a fencepost and the other end is tied to a tree. I don't think it's redneck, just... provincial. I like that word.

Anyway, if my clothespin apron doesn't look exactly like the one in the book to you, that's because I didn't feel like pulling out and tracing the pattern pieces (library copy, remember?) so I just skeched comething out on the back of my fabric. And I used a scrap of bias binding instead of making binding per the instructions.

And I love it. It is so nice to wear something pretty while you work! Maybe I need something like that to help me inside the house.

As for the instructions in the book, they are good, but not perfect. I'm pretty sure that the illustration for step 3 should be different, showing the front piece too. You can either follow the picture and sew it wrong the first time, or follow the written instructions which are right. I followed the picture first, and had to rip parts out to fix it. Not really a big deal, but it is confusing.

Then my waistband turned out too narrow to fit the ties inside. I don't think this is my fault because there were no pattern pieces, I just cut the waistband and ties from the measurements given. And I followed the books' stated seam allowance. Again, not a big deal. My ties just have cute little pleats where they fit inside the waistband:

Sooner or later, I will have a copy of this book.


  1. Love the diapers on the line! If you find them get crunchy, just through them in the dryer for a few minutes. Also, I never told you how I loved your youtube video. So cute!

  2. I so need one of those! I'm so glad the weather is warmer and I can use my clothesline again.

  3. I love that book. I copied the folklore bag. It's the perfect size.

  4. Cloth diapers!!! OMG I am so tickled to see you post about cloth diapers! I have owned (off and on) online cloth diaper stores since 2003! I was the original creater & owner of And now know that selling my "baby" back in 2006 was one of the worst things I've ever done. Cloth diapers rock!!!!

    Oh...and I do love that apron! I've looked through this book and I, too, would like to own a copy.

  5. I'm in the midst of making this apron and I agree with you. While super cute and really nice, the instructions are MISERABLE.

  6. I just sewed one of these last night and I completely agree that the instructions are wrong when it comes to the waistband and ties. I kind of fudged mine too, so it's 'inspired by' the book as well. Yours looks great! Springy and outdoorsy and just the thing for hanging wash on the line.

  7. I made a few of these and love them. I let someone borrow the book and am trying to make one of these, following the directions from memory. Online I found some publisher's correction to the measurements, so it's not just you! My ties had pleats, too, and I actually like them!

  8. I really need help. I'm on the first instruction and something seems really off about the fact that the pocket binding is only 9 1/2 inches
