Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My One Minute Movie

I have a new pattern for sale on my website today, and a video on youtube too! I had the idea to make this as I was rocking Cadie to sleep one night. People keep telling me I need to make a video tutorial, but I am just too video-camera shy. So this was what I came up with:

I know, it's kind of dorky. My kids love it and keep asking me how the scissors cut by themselves. I tell them I'm magic and they believe me. Then we dance.


  1. Wow! You are magic, you totally made a way cute dress in a minute. What a cute simple dress and the video is actually easier to follow without someone in the way.

  2. That is seriously so fun. I'm going to have to share this with my daughter tomorrow. :)

  3. That was the coolest video caroline! I think you might just be magic!! Nice work!!

  4. I love this Caroline! The dress is adorable and the video is just too cute! :)

  5. WOW! Stunning! That video is amazing! And the dress is so lovely!
