Friday, July 9, 2010


This post is about sewing, but not about my own. Last Sunday  I dressed my littlest in this cute little red, white, and blue dress (okay, the blue is in the lining, you'll see it in a minute):

Isn't it adorable? I really like it. And she looked so appropriately cute for the 4th. But then later, when I was holding her, I started noticing things about this dress. Things that probably wouldn't have bothered me except that this dress is supposedly a nice brand. I won't name any names, but I will point out this:

Wouldn't you expect good quality from this brand? This is what I saw:

and puckering on one armhole:

and the other:

The seam coming out beneath the zipper would be an easy fix, I guess. I could fix that with just a needle and thread. But why wasn't it reinforced to begin with? And the puckering, well, I know that making a lining look perfect can be tricky, but isn't that why we pay more for quality clothing?

So this is what I want to tell everybody: don't be afraid to sew your own clothes!!!!! If you mess up, you aren't alone. Even the best do. And from what I can see, if you practice a bit, you can sew clothes that are just as well constructed (if not better) than the ones you would buy. Enough said.


  1. Thank you for this!!! I make things to sell and I always fret over the littlest things. My hubby tells me "that's what handmade is" but I don't feel that way. I see the machine pieced things from stores that have *issues* before too but I still can't help mentally berating myself for not being perfect.

  2. Agreed. Don't be afraid to make else are you going to learn if you don't try?

  3. I have only been sewing for about a year and half and I notice myself looking at seams and linings at the store.Its funny what you start to notice when you do it yourself and know what it should look like. Some of the first dresses I made are still together no holes, lost buttons, or loose seams. I have bought store items and wear a couple of times and the buttons off or a seam is coming a part.I think my main thing is I HATE to mess up. So I try to do everything perfect too.

  4. Isn't it funny the things that you notice once you know how a garment should be made? Thank you for the encouragement to not be afraid to try to make clothes.

  5. I've been sewing since I was 12 (that's 28 years) and I am a perfectionist. My seam ripper is my friend. I sell my creations, mostly to friends who place custom orders, so it's even more important to me that things look good. Thanks for posting this.
