Tuesday, February 22, 2011

a lovely giveaway...

Comments on this post have been closed. Congrats to the lucky winners :)

In case I never mentioned it, I am a huge fan of theDIYdish.com and it's sister site youcanmakethis.com. 

Kim and Kris who make the DIY dish episodes are a couple of the cutest, most down to earth women I have seen. And something in me likes them more because they're sisters. Maybe because I admire and adore my own sisters so much. So I am so excited that they emailed and offered to let me host this giveaway. I love fabric flowers and each volume teaches you how to make two different ones. These ebooks look sooo lovely that I can't wait to get my hands on them. Yes I am automatically a winner (thank you Kim and Kris!) and I get to pick two OTHER winners any way I want. Each winner will get BOTH Bloom volumes so this is a super prize.

Here's how it will go down... leave me a comment- tell me something: your favorite color; the flower you will make first; how old you were when you learned to sew; anything. That's one entry. If you want another one, 'follow' my blog and then comment again saying you did (if you already follow you're a sweetie, tell me so for your second entry). Be sure to include your email address so they can send you your ebooks. At the end I'll count up the comments and pick 2 numbers using random.org. I have to end this contest and send them names and email addresses by the end of the month, so I'm going to close comments on the morning of February 28th. Yes, whenever I can tear myself away from my little homeschooler and open up the internet the comments will be closed, so be warned.

On a side note, I am so tempted to enter THEIR contest:

I would sooo love to meet these gals and hang out with them.  I'm sure I would make a complete fool of myself by hanging on their every word hoping that their creativity would rub off on me. I would also love to hear  how they came to do what they do - together no less.

But you have to submit a video entry and I am terribly camera shy. Point in fact: my one minute movie doesn't include me (ok, only my hand a little by mistake :) ). Anyone have any suggestions? If I win you'll be invited to the party...

Woo hoo! I can't wait to get the books. I wonder if any of those flowers can be made using ribbon... 


  1. I started sewing when I was 4. I have a fabulous mom who taught me young.

  2. My mom "forced" me to learn to sew when I was 12. I am so indebted to her. eversewsweet[at]gmail[dot]com

  3. I'm now a follower! eversewsweet[at]gmail[dot]com

  4. I am a follower, I want in. I always need some more flower ideas.

  5. I want to learn how to make the wispy chiffon flowers.

  6. I learned how to sew young but didn't really love it until I had kids. It's my me time now and I crave it!!!

  7. Wow, I would love these books! I've seen them on etsy before and drooled. My homeschooled-16-year-old daughter is starting to make cool flower and feather and vintage button hair clips and headbands to sell to raise money for a mission trip, and those books would be perfect for her designs!!! She just inherited 20 boxes of vintage ribbons and lace and buttons and notions from her grandmother and great grandmother, and we are trying to figure out what to do with them all. ( oldbooks214@earthlink.net )

  8. Just because I want that book so much, I went and figured out how to be a Google Friend and now I am you FOLLOWER! Just can't figure out how to leave this comment with a Google ID without turning on ALL cookies, which I don't like to do.

  9. Yeah, following your blog! Just found it and love it!

  10. I would so love to win this! I have 8 little nieces and could make soooooooooooooo many awesome things for them!!!! Fingers crossed, knocking on wood, and looking for clovers ;o)


  11. i learned to sew in 7th grade at school. i've always loved clothes and wanted to sew them for myself. well my mom was plus size and in the late 60s and early 70s there was not much ready made for her size. so everytime i made her something then she would buy fabric for me.....i learned to sew good and fast! now i will sew or craft almost anything! daisyblue1954@hotmail.com

  12. also i like you on facebook!
