Wednesday, March 30, 2011

superhero jacket or girly shrug?

Last night I was doodling in my idea notebook and I imagined a little shrug that had a ruffle all around. Then today during 'naptime,' I actually made it (using the "easy ruffle" technique).

Disclaimers: after she woke up, Cadie wanted to try it on, but she didn't want to wear a shirt underneath. And she didn't want to hold still. And it was raining so we couldn't go outside.

So if you'll excuse the miserable pictures, here it is:

I'm tickled pink by how cute it turned out - in yard sale fabric no less. Now I think I'll make Chloe one in white. Won't that look sweet over a little dress?

Connor was a bit jealous and asked me to make him  a red one. To make him run faster. I guess now it's a superhero jacket. :)


  1. So cute! What a creative idea. I would love to know a little more about how you made it.

  2. The jacket of the season for me has to be the Bomber Jacket. i love this jacket so much!!! I always get questions where i get it from and I'm glad to get it from Famous movie jackets. They have huge variety of leatherjackets, Super Hero Jackets, movies jackets and lots of more.
