Wednesday, April 20, 2011

from my brain to her body...

A couple weeks ago I had this idea that maybe I could take two rectangular pieces of knit, stitch around the sides and top leaving holes for arms and a head, and add some elastic to the sides for interest. Kind of like a bag shirt - cutified.

On the first try, what I had intended for Chloe turned out only big enough for Cadie - talk about trying to make a size 7 and getting a size 2! 

What I also learned from that version is that it needed sloped shoulders to get rid of that extra material. So much for a perfect rectangle... but I didn't want to quit yet.

The next one I stitched up actually turned out too big on Chloe for what I intended. That aggravated me quite a bit until I tested the 'stretchiness' of my knits and figured out that this pink rib knit has about 70% stretch - way more than usual. So I decided not to mess with the size of my pattern again (just stay away from the rib knits), but I did change my mind about the straight neckline. It was just too plain.

So here's my finished one. 

Hemming the neckline and armholes was actually easier than I thought it would be.

I really love the ruching made by the stretched elastic at the sides. 

This white fabric is a bamboo/cotton jersey that I ordered from I absolutely love it. It is so soft and drapey. I asked my friend at Joanns if they had anything like it and she just laughed. And the color (optic white) is so clean and bright. 

Have fun sewing today! Don't be afraid to try new ideas...

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