Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pattern Pin-Up Tutorial

Hi. I’m Julie, and I am lucky enough to be another one of Caroline’s sisters.  Caroline asked me a couple months ago if I would guest post on her amazing blog and I couldn’t have been more flattered.  I couldn’t wait to get started on my next project, so I could share with all of you the excitement I get from sewing – while my husband likes the final outcome well enough, he doesn’t quite enjoy the process as much as we do. As I was contemplating what to make I was reminded of how unimaginative I am and that  most of my “creations” are knock-offs of what other talented people (Caroline) have already made and blogged about - thus, I am able to make it. While still flattered beyond belief that Caroline would want me to post, I felt severely unqualified.

While working on my next project (a t-shirt quilt for my husband), and killing my back as I laid out the pieces on the floor, my idea for the Pattern Pin-Up hit me. I got so excited, I stopped working on the quilt altogether so I could get started.  I hope you enjoy your Pin-Up as much as I do mine!

Pattern Pin-Up

First off, I should say that this project is 100% customizable. I made this to the dimensions I wanted and supplies I had on hand. That being said, feel free to make this as big or small as your specific sewing needs are. OK, here are the directions and dimensions for my Pattern Pin-Up.


1 1” PVC pipe
1 ½ - 2 yards sturdy fabric
2 yards crafting rope
Coordinating thread and ribbon

Cut List:

PVC -     one at 35”
                one at 32”
Fabric – 70” X 37”


1.       Start by cutting your PVC pipe, not that it is critical to cut it first, but it’s nice to get this step out of the way.  Make sure to sand the edges of the freshly cut plastic.
2.        Iron and sew with a ½ inch seam allowance all four sides of the fabric, being sure to fold over twice so the rough edges are hidden.

3.       On the shorter sides (top and bottom) fold the fabric down 2 ½ “, leaving room for the PVC pipe, sew width wise only for top.  We’ll leave the sides open on the top so the rope can slide through.

4.       As I mentioned before, I used what I had on hand. Instead of ribbon for the next step, I used the edge of a kitchen towel that I had cut off when making a tote bag. Measure out the middle of the top of your Pin-Up (I just eyed this one). Fold the ribbon in half; sew in the center of the ribbon to the midpoint of the top of the Pin-Up.  This will hold the Pin-Up together when not in use.

5.       For the bottom, sew width wise and one end of the new hole. Slide the 32” (the smaller of the two if you are changing your dimensions) pipe through the hole and sew up the other end.

6.       Slide the 35” (larger piece) pipe into the top hole. Slip your rope through the pipe, adjusting length to your personal preference. Tie it off and hide the knot it the piping.
7.       Hang your Pin-Up on the closest free wall and get to work on your next project! Happy Sewing!

 Thank you to Caroline for the flattering invite to post on your amazing and inspiring blog. I had a great time!! And now I can get back to work on Scott’s quilt. J

1 comment:

  1. Very cute. And I can think of a bunch of other uses for this. I think I'll make one to show off my kids' artwork. They do so many paintings and drawings that I have to sneak most into the garbage without them seeing. This way, I could display them for a bit and change it out daily, if need be. :)
