Friday, July 29, 2011

Cadie's Pioneer Dress

Okay, technically I didn't sew this until three days after Pioneer Day, but it just looks so pioneer-ish that that's what I'm calling it.

This little pattern is found in the 6/2011 Ottobre magazine and since it was my first time to try an Ottobre pattern I was hesitant to use my best fabric. So this dress is technically a 'muslin' since I just used some stuff from the bottom of the stash. But I am very happy with the way it turned out. I was leery of the whole adding-your-own-seam-allowances thing (that seems to be common in patterns outside the U.S.), but it wasn't a problem this time. Yeah, I haven't blogged about the last time I tried a pattern with no seam allowances included.  I don't know if it was the patternmaker or me, but I lost quite a few brain cells that night.

Anyway... even the little pin-tucks on the front weren't that hard. They have you sew them on squares of fabric before cutting the yoke pieces out.

When she outgrows this, I think I'll make another one using more modern fabrics. Maybe a nice bright collar with a big flowery print on bottom.

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