Thursday, September 15, 2011

First dance class

Don't forget to enter to win a copy of My Memories Digital Scrapbooking Suite (previous post)! There's only two days left to enter. All week long my 7-year old has been working on his own scrapbook that I'll have to order soon. It's that easy.


The unfortunate little sister.

Cadie has been watching her older sister take dance class for her whole 2-year life. But today was her day to finally be on the other side of the glass. Really. I had to take pictures through smudgy, finger-printy glass. But it was worth it.

Today, Cadie was the princess fairy...

 invited to the tea party...

the one who got to try new things...

see how pretty she is...

and look at all the people from that side of the glass...

Cadie's little petal filled tutu is one that my sister and I made together and it's blogged about here. Tutu cute.


  1. What a fun time for Cadie! So glad she gets her chance to shine. Our little boy finally gets to play's such a great thing for these younger siblings to have their moment. :)

  2. Too cute! Looks like so much fun for the girls. Hope you'll share some of your son's scrap pages :)

  3. What a fun class! Did they have real snacks at the tea party, or was it pretend?
