Friday, November 18, 2011

Another cute version of Cadie's top, plus some naked babies...

Okay, good morning all of you who are just getting up from a twilight induced hangover. If you don't know what I'm talking about then I think I'm happy for you. I'm not sure how I feel about this installment. It was... too graphic and... too graphic. Honestly I had to put my head down between my knees at one point because I thought I might pass out and that has never happened to me in a movie before. But I'm not usually sitting in a movie theatre at 2 in the morning either so maybe that has something to do with it.

Anywho... I am so happy that another one of my patterns just got reviewed. Kristen over at Three In The Nest has made her own "top" version of my pattern Cadie's Wrap Around Dress and Top. It's so darling with a little bunny applique on it and you get to see her own little Caroline modelling it. (pssst... love the name ;) ). And, she's hosting a giveaway, so head on over for your chance to get the pattern for free.

And here's a hint of what I've been working on lately...

Chloe found a stray piece of hair on the floor one morning (I guess it escaped my super-secret project bag) and guessed that I'm making mustaches. She was so excited and wanted to make sure that I was making her one too.

Um, okay, sure I'll make you one too babe. Now let me take your picture. Can you tell my kids like to dress up? I guess it doesn't matter what the costume is.

While I'm having a mom moment going on about my kids and how much they love to dress up... I think this one really annoyed his second grade teacher with what he wore for picture day a couple weeks ago:

But it was his idea and I couldn't discourage it, what with the shuttle program getting cancelled and all :(. And I have to admit I really like how the picture turned out. He's gonna be the coolest one in their little elementary school yearbook this year. Does anybody actually buy those?


  1. Kids are funny...but how awesome that the background worked perfectly!

  2. I wish my mom would have let me dress like that for my picture. In all my elementary school pictures I'm wearing these ridiculous dresses that are now clearly dated, but not stylish enough to be considered vintage. Now, princess costumes or astronaut costumes are always in style...
