Monday, January 16, 2012

What I've been stitchin' up...

Long time no post, I know. The new website I started last month has been taking way more time than I had anticipated. But it has been lots of fun. I really could not be keeping up with it if I did not love sewing and web browsing so much. So in case you haven't been keeping up with the new sewing tutorial every day on, here are the sample items that I have sewn for it:

(in no particular order)

a dress for Cadie
 some pot holders

an ear warmer for myself

a bapron that I mistakenly made way to big ;)

a 'monster 5' shirt for Connor

little valentine books

a new bag for myself

a few Christmas cards (which all got sent)

and a nice little wallet (Chloe quickly claimed this).

Links to the free tutorials for all these projects can still be found on under the tab "more Tutorials and Patterns."

Except for the Christmas cards, all of these things were sewn this year. Whew! And I'm currently working on some sweet little fabric snack bags which will be featured soon. So back to work. And I hope you all are having a new year that is just as productive!


  1. Oooh, just love the Monster5 shirt. And those potholders are just too cute!

  2. You're such a busy girl!!...and my sewing idol! Love you!
