Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring flower brooch

I was searching around the other night for something to put on the girls' easter dresses and found this adorable flower pin tutorial. It was so close to what I wanted, but I was thinking flower petals. That's why I tweaked it a bit to come up with this little design. I do want to give credit to Chris at pickupsomecreativity because I spent a good chunk of time being inspired by her blog!

So here goes... this little tute will be for the smaller flower. I started by cutting a 3" strip from my fabric, and then cutting that in two 3" x 22" strips, which will make two flowers.

Now thread you needle with a long piece of thread. I doubled it and put a knot at the end so it would be strong. In order to make the petals, you are going to gather by hand. Yeah, I know, you didn't even know it could be done. We are going way, way, old school here! (but it's fast and easy)

Start by folding the fabric in half lengthwise (wrong sides together).

To make the first petal:  secure your thread with a knot in a corner next to the fold.

Now run your needle down the short end, going in and out to make smallish stitches. 

Pull tight so that it gathers.

Now take about 15 more running stitches going down the length. I used up about 2" of fabric here for a nice little petal. Make it how you like it.

Pull tight. When you have gathered enough that you like the petal size, wrap your thread around the top of the strip to encircle the whole thing and pull that tight.

Secure with a stitch through the middle.

To make the rest of the petals: continue sewing down the length and pulling it tight...

Then wrapping your thread around and securing to make the petal.

When you have a few petals made, form a little ring and stitch them together on the back. 

Keep pulling your thread tight.

Now make more petals. I waited to the end to sew the rest together, but you could sew them together as
you go if you like. Gather the end just like you did the beginning.

Arrange all of the petals and stitch together on the back.

Sew a button on the front...

Now cut a little circle of felt and hot-glue to the back to cover up all of your stitches.


To make the larger flower, cut your fabric strip 4" wide and use the whole 44".

These were just pinned on the dresses so I can remove them later when I do laundry.
Now just wait until you see the little matching ties for the boys!


  1. I featured this post and your photo on my blog today! Thanks again for sharing, and best wishes in all you do.
