Friday, April 2, 2010

Connor's Quilt - Part 1

Last night I was up til almost midnight working on a quilt for Connor. He asked me to make him one a couple weeks ago, and since I'm not sewing things for him all the time (like the girls), it's been on my mind.

Anyway, the best part was when I showed him this morning, he got really quiet and whispered "wow, that is so amazing." I was floored. This is my all boy three year old. Right now he's very loudly chasing his older brother around the kitchen island with a race car.

Which brings me to the back of the quilt. Perfect.

And, I'm proud to admit that every piece of fabric so far has been either a scrap, a yard-sale find, or given to me. Yay!

In case you were wondering how I got the idea for the front, it came to me while I was shopping at Target :).
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  1. WOW!! That is so cool. I want to make one? Tutorial on all the letters in the alphabet? OK, maybe I am just dreaming. You are so amazing Caroline!

  2. A tutorial for all 26 letters? Right. But I'll tell you how I did it.

    I found a font that I liked the letter in and used paint (for Windows 7) to enlarge it (using the rulers, gridlines, and units set to inches - under properties), and then printed it full size in print settings. It will print on multiple pages. Then I taped the letter together, only to cut it up again according to my quilt squares. I added seam allowances to the edges and used wonder-under to applique the pieces to my quilt blocks. It came out almost perfect.

    Was that confusing? I hope not. If you need a letter C for some reason, I'd be happy to send you the pieces. :)
