Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New (to me) website...

I should probably just go ahead and take a class on web design since it appears that I am going to keep up with the carolina fair designs website myself. I have never been 100% satisfied with how it looks, and that's probably because I am not a professional at this. And I haven't hired a professional (yet) because first, I have no idea how much that would cost, I'm afraid to ask... and second, I think I'm afraid to lose control over it. So, maybe the look will change every year, who knows. This change came about because I ran across some web design software that had a free trial period and I started playing around, and lo and behold, I like it. So here it is...

Tell me what you think, but don't be too hard on me :). No, be honest. I will put on my thick skin. And head on over to facebook before you buy anything because I sense a coupon coming...


  1. Wow. We need to have a long conversation when things slow down for me on how you put together your pattern designs. The whole thing looks fabulous and professional.

  2. Just wanted to show you a dress I made from you pattern - as a gift to my friends daughter - the text is in Norwegian, but take a look at the pictures. Love your pattern so much. http://smaenglene.blogspot.com/2010/09/noen-ting-jeg-har-laget-i-det-siste.html
