Monday, October 11, 2010

Where have I been?

I have been so excited for the past six months to finally plan, measure, and pick out tile for a new floor. My husband took a week's vacation and I naively believed that we would get most of it done during that time. Yeah. Well, it has been one month and one day since we started and we are maybe half way done. Maybe. Probably not since each step is taking about 10x longer than I thought it would.

So since I'm not one of those super bloggers who plans and writes for six months in advance... and I very sadly packed away my sewing machine because there was no room for it (it might be driving me into depression to not sew, seriously)... I decided to post some pictures of the floor project.

This is the front rooms right before my lovely mother in law helped me grout them on Friday. We both worked like dogs so now I can stand in these rooms and see a light at the end of the tunnel.

(of course we still need to remove the haze on the tiles, and sand, paint, and reinstall the base boards. blah)

And here's a picture of my almost unusable kitchen. Tools everywhere. This makes me want to go live with my sister in Tallahassee until it's done. But the kids must go to school...

And here's my super husband with his brother who constantly amazes me with his generosity of time and effort. That guy has worked on our floor like it was his own. Here they are leveling the family room. There is now one row of tile in this room. Small victory!

Finally, here's my little hero. Many hands make light work, huh?


  1. Tiling is HARD! Good luck with it all.

  2. It looks great so far!! ...Your probably almost done by now. School shmool!!!... You totally could have lived up here...we would have loved it! I miss my (your) babies! Xoxoxox Aunt Itsy <3

  3. I SOOOO know where you are comming from!! LOL
    Looking good so far! I know how frusterating/depressing it can be. All of the projects (because Clay never seems to finish one b4 he starts another) seem to get done in time to close on the house so someone else can enjoy it.....Oh well, such is life!
    Katie Law

  4. Hi Katie!!! How are you guys? I KNOW you understand what life has been like for us the past few months. Luckily it's almost done. I need to post new pictures. Are you still in CO? Hope you are all doing great. xoxo
