Thursday, August 18, 2011

baby arctic seal bunting

This week I finished up something that I have been gradually gathering materials for and looking forward to making. When I saw this in last year's Winter Ottobre Issue, my first thought was, who would be crazy enough to make that? But then each time I looked at it, I realized that I already had the fur, and the fleece, and the babycord. Still, my youngest is 2 and way too old for a baby bunting, even if we do get a week next February when the temps drop below freezing (I so love Florida!). And then I remembered that I have a sister who lives waaayyy up north and is expecting a baby next month. So I put an end to the internal struggle and just made it.

Anyone who may have eavesdropped on me sewing this project would have periodically heard me squeal "oooo, sooo cute!"  I honestly wanted to keep it for Cadie because...

if she doesn't stretch out her legs...

or her arms...

or try to walk...

then she'd be soo adorable this winter. For the whole week of it. :) No, I'll send it to Julie.


  1. It is super cute (so is the model!). When my baby was about 3 or 4 months old, we would call her our "little harp seal." She wasn't able to really move around a whole lot on her own yet, but she was so chubby and cute! Love the bunting and I'm sure your sister will absolutely adore it!

  2. It looks so cozy. What a sweet gift!

  3. Oh my word Caroline... that is too cute! You are so sweet!! Thank you, thank you, and thank you. I love it even before my little one wears it. You are amazing!
