Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Over a year ago I posted a picture of the childrens' book character Olivia and wrote about how I finally found the fabric to sew my daughter Chloe an outfit like Olivia's. It is a red jumper with red and white striped leggings and red and white striped shirt. Well, turned out that when I took a closer look at the picture on fabric.com, it was just not going to be right (stripes too narrow) so I didn't order it and I put that little project off until I could find the perfect striped knit fabric. 

I had almost given up when surprise! I got a piece of the perfect stuff in this "bonanza box" of solid and striped knits from the fabric fairy (my kids had no idea there was such a person and were in absolute awe). And, on the same day I received an issue of Ottobre that had the perfect pieces for this outfit. Chloe wanted me to make it immediately. She's learning to imagine how fabric and patterns will turn out and I love it.

I love how it turned out. You can't see it, but there's a little pocket on the front yoke like Olivia's. I had to shorten the sleeves because the fabric was just not big enough to squeeze all the pieces on there without alteration. I'm not too disappointed about that because she can wear the shirt now without waiting for cold weather. 

I also put black trim on the shirt (another deviation from Olivia's) because I thought it would look cuter when she wore it with jeans or black pants. And isn't that pants design funny? I hated it in the magazine and only made it because I could use solid red for part of the pants and still have just enough striped fabric to 'make it work' :). Now, however, I love the pants! It kind of looks like she's wearing red shorts with leggings underneath. (sorry for the fuzzy pics. I hate using flash in the house.)

Then, right before bedtime, the fabric fairy showed up...

Yes, my daughter called herself the fabric fairy. She is going to love fabric as much as I do.


  1. How fun! I didn't know there was a fabric fairy either...

  2. Wow, I don't know how you do it! The shirt looks phenomenal! I've only sewn a few garments since I learned to sew a few years ago, and some have turned out okay, but a lot have not. Your daughter's outfit is amazing!

  3. lol. Jamie, plenty of things I've sewn have gone straight to the playclothes pile. That's the great thing about making clothes - people need 'em, even if they're not perfect. Sew for your own enjoyment and then enjoy the fruits of your labors as an added benefit! Thanks for the sweet compliments.

  4. So cute! LOL at your little Fabric Fairy :)

  5. So cute. it is so fun to sew for kids when they love what you make for them. Congrats on finally finding the right stripe. It looks like a good one.

  6. So adorable! Glad I found your site. I love looking at the beautiful things people make.

  7. Too cute. Especially love it with the candy cane striped leggings and shirt.
