Friday, September 2, 2011

Keeping up

I have decided to sew all of my kids clothes. At least for a while. Until I can't keep up with what they need or until they grow too old to wear clothes that "mom made". I'm hoping that last part doesn't happen for a long time.

This evening in the backyard I got pictures of some things I have made lately. I have gotten into a comfortable routine of tracing or printing up patterns and cutting fabric a few nights a week and then during the day when I get time I can sit down at the sewing machine and serger for a bit.

This one I actually cut out last night and stitched up before preschool this morning:

I love this pattern for my boys. It is one of Bonnie's from Fishstick's Designs. It is easy to cut, easy to sew, and always looks nice. And, if you make it from other shirts (like his from a new unwanted white tee and a blue golf shirt that didn't fit Dad) you can make good use of pre-hemmed edges. That's how I could put it together so fast.

Here's a little skirt I made so many mistakes on that I can't believe it still looks so cute. I mean, there's 4 rows of ruffles on the front,

only 3 rows of ruffles on the back (I ran out too soon), and they go around and around in a crooked, wobbily way. I really wasn't trying that hard because I hated the fabric to begin with (Chloe found it in the bargain section at JoAnns and I gave in because it was only $2/yd). It's like gold lame with snowflakes. And she looks like a rockstar wearing it. Go figure.

And here's Cadie. This is a little tee from another Ottobre back issue (3/2009, I think). I can't have enough white shirts for my girls. They just go with everything and under everything when it's cold.

My favorite part of this shirt is the little puffy sleeves. I think I'll be making it again soon.

That's it for now. Happy back-to-school, everyone!


  1. Amazing, Caroline. I am really impressed with such cute clothes...and the skirt looks great. I wouldn't have noticed the ruffles if you hadn't pointed it out. You are so ambitious!

  2. Wow, what a fun (and busy) resolution. Those are all so cute. Looks like I should ask you for pattern referrals if I ever sew clothes for my kids. I love that little boy shirt.

  3. Caroline, you're amazing! WOW!!! Xoxo love you!!
