Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretty, Easy, Pillowcase (with a tutorial)

When I was putting away my Amy Butler Lark fabric after making this tablet cover, I decided it was just too beautiful to stop looking at yet, so I had to make something else with it.

After rifling through my stash I found some vintage crocheted lace that I picked up a yard sale last year. Suddenly I was inspired to make a pillowcase. Not just any pillowcase, but one fit to be made into a pillowcase dress someday. Because who is making the pillowcases that will be turned into dresses 50 years from now? We are, of course.

I took pictures along the way so you could see what I did...

Tablet cover for me!

Thanks to black-friday specials and a very generous dad (thank you!!!!!) I desperately needed to sew a case for this cute little tablet computer. If you google kindle cover or ipad cover there are tons of tutorials and I picked this one because I wanted something I could leave on the tablet while I used it (opposed to the little pouch type which is also nice), plus I loved the way you could stand it up.

The tutorial is found here at chicaandjo.com. Instructions are included for customizing the pattern to any size device, which is just what I needed.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Three days of cooking and baking have culminated in a feast of turkey, ham, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, three kinds of cranberries, relishes, potatoes, and then the dessert...

Family has come from near and far to gather and visit and soon the shopping will begin! I love getting out there in the middle of the night to get those good deals. 

My etsy shop is now running it's annual black friday sale with any two patterns for $10.

I hope that somehow the frenzy to get more stuff won't make us less thankful for what we have already been blessed with!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chloe's secrets to perfect sugar cookies.

Tonight I had to make sugar cookie stars for my second grader's school class to decorate tomorrow. I made the dough early and let it sit in the fridge for 3 hours to get firm. But then when I tried to roll it out and cut out some cookies the dough was sticking everywhere, I was ruining every star trying to get it off the table, and my two year old was sticking her little chubby hands in everything.

I was getting ready to scream when I heard a calm little voice beside me say "just sit down mom and let me help you. I'm really good at making cookies."

I thought about it for a second and then backed away because she was right, she is good at making cookies, better than me, and she is only 6 1/2.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Another cute version of Cadie's top, plus some naked babies...

Okay, good morning all of you who are just getting up from a twilight induced hangover. If you don't know what I'm talking about then I think I'm happy for you. I'm not sure how I feel about this installment. It was... too graphic and... too graphic. Honestly I had to put my head down between my knees at one point because I thought I might pass out and that has never happened to me in a movie before. But I'm not usually sitting in a movie theatre at 2 in the morning either so maybe that has something to do with it.

Anywho... I am so happy that another one of my patterns just got reviewed. Kristen over at Three In The Nest has made her own "top" version of my pattern Cadie's Wrap Around Dress and Top. It's so darling with a little bunny applique on it and you get to see her own little Caroline modelling it. (pssst... love the name ;) ). And, she's hosting a giveaway, so head on over for your chance to get the pattern for free.

And here's a hint of what I've been working on lately...