Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pretty, Easy, Pillowcase (with a tutorial)

When I was putting away my Amy Butler Lark fabric after making this tablet cover, I decided it was just too beautiful to stop looking at yet, so I had to make something else with it.

After rifling through my stash I found some vintage crocheted lace that I picked up a yard sale last year. Suddenly I was inspired to make a pillowcase. Not just any pillowcase, but one fit to be made into a pillowcase dress someday. Because who is making the pillowcases that will be turned into dresses 50 years from now? We are, of course.

I took pictures along the way so you could see what I did...

I took 1 yard of fabric to inspire beautiful dreams plus about 42" of lace.

Then I folded the fabric right sides together along the grain and stitched the bottom and side of the pillowcase.

I turned it right side out and pressed, and then turned it inside out again and folded the raw edges down 5" and pressed.

Then I folded it down another 5" (again, rolled twice) and pressed.

I folded my lace in half right sides together and layed it on the pillowcase cuff to measure. Then I marked it with a pin where I stitched to make a loop the same size as the pillowcase opening.

I turned the pillowcase right side out again, being careful to leave the cuff neatly pressed on the inside and I pinned the lace to the outside 1/2" from the top, with the part of the lace I want to show pointing downward.

I stitched close to the edge of the lace here.

More pressing.

 Notice that I enclosed the raw edge of the pillowcase so if anyone should happen to look inside, that part will look pretty and neat.


Now I imagine it being turned into a "vintage" pillowcase dress someday for some great niece. Love.

Linky parties:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating The Shabby Nest


  1. Great idea! Thanks for the tutorial. Love the fabric

  2. That fabric is gorgeous, and the pillow case is just perfect with the vintage touch, thank you for the tutorial, if I only had something as nice to use :)

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