Thursday, December 15, 2011

Introducing plus an Amy Butler Fabric giveaway!

I'm so excited to share my new site because who doesn't love something free??? For years now my browser's bookmark files have been filling up with project ideas that I need to try. It's helpful because people often ask me if I know how they can make such-and-such, and I tell them I'll just go home and email them the link to a tutorial. Well, now I get to share those tutorials with anyone who will look (or sign up for the newsletter). I'm going to update the page with a new tutorial every day, so you may want to subscribe to the newsletter so you won't miss anything. I've already contacted a bunch of my favorite tutorial writers so they know what's up, and if you have a tutorial you want to submit, there's a place for that too!

And, here's the best part... I'm giving away two yards of this most beautiful fabric from Amy Butler's new Lark collection:

All you have to do is sign up for the newsletter, which I'm sure you'll want to do anyway. I mean, you'll get a new sewing tutorial delivered to your inbox every day. I'm going to rotate through the categories holiday love (for the next 10 days), home love, kid love, crafty love, and self love. Who just freaked out when I hinted that Christmas is only 10 days away? Okay, I am freaking out so I need to get back to my sewing now. Bye!


  1. love it! I would like to sign up - but it won't bring up the site - just a blank page - no matter how many times I try. Can you sign me up>?

  2. Lovely...I signed up and love the look of your new site!

  3. Yeppers, I signed up. I love that Amy Butler Lark print, it is just gorgeous!

  4. I signed up -- excited about the tutorials!

  5. You go, girl! The new site looks & sounds great! I love finding new tutorials and just signed up for your newsletter. Thank you. mamalusco at ortelco dot net

  6. Signed up, no need for arm twisting here!

  7. Be still my heart, love Amy Butler. Signed up and waiting and hoping, thanks.

  8. New site looks good and I've just signed up, thanks

  9. I'm so happy to have found you. I signed up. Your site looks great.

  10. I've signed up for the newsletter! This looks great fun!
