I think everybody I have talked to about sewing knows what a big fan I am of YouCanMakeThis.com. A couple of my friends have asked me to teach them how to sew, and I told both of them, "find a pattern you like on YouCanMakeThis.com, and then come over and we'll sew it together." The patterns all come with step-by-step photographed instructions that make it impossible to fail. And they are up-to-the-minute cute.
So anyway, for my first giveaway, I'm going to choose two lucky winners to receive the adorable pillow pattern shown above. Just leave me a comment below, answering one little question... who taught you how to sew? Or did you teach yourself using a book, the web, or something else? Next Friday on December 18th, at 10:00 pm I will draw two numbers from a hat based on how many comments there are. If one of the numbers matches your comment (1 for the first comment, 2 for the second, etc...) you'll receive an email with instructions on how to download the pattern!
If you haven't learned how to sew yet, maybe you will win and learn from this very pattern! My offer still stands, come on over and we'll sew it together!
I learned how to sew in middle school. I took a Home Ec class that taught me a little of everything. The first thing I ever made was a brown wrap-around skirt. I haven't done much sewing since then but I love to attempt new things.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember exactly learning how to sew. My mom was always sewing and I think I just picked up a pattern one day and decided to make something.
ReplyDeleteI'm still learning...I pick it up and do pretty good, then I let my 'talent' fall by the wayside as I get busy doing other things, and I have to go back and reteach and relearn everything...even with all that, I can sew things that don't have to be a specific size!
ReplyDelete...oh and I like to win prizes ;)
My grandmother showed me how to sew platic canvas. She made me a pair of pants that gave me a constant wedgie, and it turned out that she used scrap fabric and didn't cut the fabric with the grain. The first thing I ever made was elastic shorts and my mom showed me how.
ReplyDeleteWhen I got married I couldn't even sew a button on a shirt! My Husband , who took sewing in high school & actually made clothes, had to sew anything & everything that needed mending. So for our first Christmas I asked for a sewing machine, which he got for me, & taught me how to use. I mean I didn't even know how to thread the machine or bobbin...nothing! He showed me how & he still sews better than me but I am more creative. I have actually never learned how to use a pattern & I always make things up myself whereas he knows patterns & doesn't really know how to just make stuff. But I have made some really cool things & absolutely LOVE sewing now! :)
ReplyDeleteI remember Itsy and I tried making pajama pants and bras when we were little. But Beka is the one that really taught me how to sew. The summer I spent at her house she taught me how to sew my first quilt and I have been hooked ever since.
ReplyDeleteI took a sewing class in college and made a duffle bag (which we still use!) and an apron. But that was at least 4 years ago and I can't remember much. I had to call Kassie tonight(Jay's girlfriend) and ask her how to work my sewing machine since she's used it and I haven't!
ReplyDeleteI learned from my mom when I was in the 4th grade. A pair of beautiful yellow shorts with fuzzy red hearts all over it. Unfortunately I was "sewing challenged" at the time and I learned the eternal sewing phrase, "Rip it out and do it again". For years I was sure this would be on my headstone when I died.
ReplyDeleteMy mother and grandmother tsught me to sew. Nanny (my grandma) was just trying to keep me busy (I'm sure). I made lots of little pillows stuffed with cotton balls :) My Mom had me sew my first clothes, but picked an awful first project- Jersey knit in hot pink. I HATED pink at that point and sewing on stretch fabrics was not something she did well either. After that I got so tall that store bought clothes rarely were as long as I wanted them so I started sewing from patterns on my own so skirts hit me at the knee or ankle (instead of mid thigh and shins). I'm pretty good at following directions and can pretty much just pick up a pattern and sew now, but have picked up many helpful hints from friends along the way.
ReplyDeleteKatie Law (I'd login, but it's been so long I cant remember my info!)
clawfamily7@yahoo .com
My first experience with learning to sew was in Achievement Days at church! I must have been 9 or 10. From there my mom taught me some, my Grandma taught me some, but 'trial and error' is still my biggest teacher!
ReplyDeleteI learned the basics of needle and thread mending from my mom, but sewed my first real projects in Home Ec. I am not very good as I am not mechanically inclined, so putting things together is a pain unless it is fairly simple (basic dresses, pants, etc). I love the cute things Caroline makes and can't believe she finds the time to sew with 4 kids 6 and under!
ReplyDeleteMy mom taught me how to sew. My first project was a skirt for young women in excelence.
ReplyDeleteMy mom sewed, but I never wanted to learn. After she passed and I had my first child I longed for handmade things for her. I decided that I would learn. I taught myself and made her a hat. Since then I have tackled many projects, when I need advice a use the net. Thanks for the great giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI'm an ebay addict and one day found that I'd bought a piece of Cath KIdston Classic ROse in Indigo. It was a total whim but iloved (and still do) the pattern. It was a big piece as well over 3 yards! So I had all this fabric and didn't know what to do with it. So I "Borrowed" my Mums old machine (a Janome that had lain unused for over 30 years!) and decided to teach myself. The internet has been a huge help - what did people do before they could google?! The first thing I made was a bag for my friend and now I'm addicted. I'm still very much a novice though and rely on people such as yourself for advice!
ReplyDeleteI love that you have a sewing blog. And you even make your own patterns? Sign me up. I'll have to check out You can Make This. Anyway, my mom has sewn things for us my whole life. I learned from her. I learned the most and became sold on the whole sewing thing when my mom showed me how to take apart my favorite pair of shorts that were falling apart, and make a pair just like them. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. I love to sew!!
ReplyDeleteI started to learn to sew in HS in HomeEC but my teacher was way too picky so i gave up.
ReplyDeleteThis year, I was trying to pick up outfits for my daughter's 2nd birthday and convince my best friend to make one :)
She kept telling me..IF YOU LEARN TO SEW, you don't have to chose between this outfit or another..YOU can make them BOTH.
So around July of this year, I gave into my best friend's "nagging" for me to learn to sew.
I bought a pattern off Youcanmakethis website.. I think I started with a peasant top and pants.
Then I took a sewing class in October to learn more..
Now its Dec 2009 and I have an Etsy Store, make custom clothing, blankets, etc..
Currently working on a blanket and pillowcase for a customer, plus trying to get my daughter's quilt finished up in time for christmas.
Still got alot to learn but can't believe I went from hemming curtains and some mending to SEWING CLOTHES.
I learned to sew from watching my olders sisters... Caroline (yes the one that writes this blog!), Katherine, Rebekah, and Julie. They are all VERY talented and creative. I love them for all they have taught me. The first thing I remember sewing was hair scrunchies… very cute, but now out of style! When I was seven, Katherine made me a stuffed kitty that I still have to this day...one of my prized possessions! When I was about ten, I remember watching Rebekah work on quilt projects. Caroline lovingly let me borrow her machine for a couple of years so I could get started. And Julie, who is the closest in age to me, gave me a beautiful quilt she had worked on with Rebekah. I have to say that through all of THEIR work, frustrations, and projects(finished or unfinished :) ) I have leared to never give up. They have inspired me to become the seamstress that I am... I love you all!!!!